I'm looking for the Dos Equis man.
Seriously, who could resist him?
Here are some of the phrases used to describe him:
His blood smells like cologne
His hands feels like rich brown suede
His beard alone
Has experienced more than a lesser man’s entire body…
His charm is so contagious vaccines have been created for it…
His personality is so magnetic he’s unable to carry credit cards…
He’s been known to cure narcolepsy just by walking into a room
He can speak French…in Russian (my personal fave)
Every time he goes for a swim…dolphins appear
The police often question him
Just because they find him interesting
He is the only man to ever ace a Rorschach test
Even his enemies list him as their emergency contact number...
When it's raining, it's because he thinks something sad...
He’s a lover, not a fighter...but he's also a fighter, so don't get any ideas...
He once had an awkward moment…just to see how it feels
He lives vicariously…through himself
If he were to give you directions, you'd never get lost
And you’d arrive at least 5 minutes early
He is...the most interesting man in the world...
Yep, that's the man I'm looking for.
Judging by his pic, I'd say he's about my age (I'm 61).
But if he's like many men my age, including former IMF head, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, age 62...he's probably not looking for me.
No, he's not looking for me; he's probably looking for a 30-something. And really, who could blame him? Almost all of us are better looking when we're younger; no one could deny that. So I understand looking at a younger person, and admiring their physical beauty. But here's where most women have so much more common sense than most men: as we get older, we realize that we've aged. When I look in the mirror, I'm happy with what I see, but what I see is a 61-year-old woman.
When Dominique Strauss-Kahn stepped out of the shower last Saturday and looked in the mirror, what did he see? Maybe he didn't see himself at all; just the reflection of the 32-year-old housekeeper, who had come into the suite thinking it was unoccupied...
His first story was that he wasn't there; he was having lunch with his daughter; it didn't happen.
But after a CSI team showed up and cut away a section of carpet said to contain certain...ahem...forensic evidence, the story has changed: it seems Monsieur Strauss-Kahn did indeed have (rough, oral) sex with the 30-years-younger housekeeper, but it was consensual sex...
Yeah, right.
Nevermind that the housekeeper has reportedly worked at the Sofitel for three years with an unblemished record.
Nevermind that she is a devout Muslim.
Nevermind that DSK is approximately twice her age.
Everyone knows that all women are attracted to powerful, older men. I personally have been longing to get together with a rich guy twice my age, but since I'm 61, I know the odds are against it. Shoot, even if I'd be willing to settle for someone 30 years older than I am now, what are the chances? But I digress.
I've been reading the comments people have left on the web about this, and I've learned quite a few things. It couldn't have happened because the housekeeper is apparently around 6 feet tall. I confess, I have absolutely no response to this argument, because I don't understand what her height has to do with anything.
It couldn't have happened, because DSK, being the powerful, attractive guy that he is, could have simply hired a woman for sex. Huh? He's accused of sexual assault, which has nothing to do with sex but everything to do with power, rage, subjugation...
It couldn't have happened, because he went to lunch afterward, before he went to the airport. Uh-huh. That doesn't prove anything, except maybe that he's a cocky, arrogant SOB who thinks he's above the law.
I could go on and on, but I won't, because I find it depressing.
But not everything in this story is depressing.
I applaud the housekeeper, for going to security immediately and reporting what happened.
I applaud her colleague, who had the presence of mind, when he got the call from DSK inquiring about his cellphone (which the colleague did not have) to lie and say yes, he had it in hand and would be happy to have it delivered immediately to DSK, just tell him where...which is how the police got the flight info
I applaud the Port Authority police, who boarded the Air France flight and apprehended DSK
I applaud the NYC police, who handcuffed DSK and took him into custody...