Sunday, 27 May 2007............Sunday, 24 June 2007
Thanks to the excellent endodontist who cared enough to insist on seeing and treating Mike last night, Mike is feeling much, much better today, but the pics show it all...the one on the left was taken at Alex and Chris' wedding last month; the pic on the right was yesterday, before he saw the endodontist...and all that swelling happened in a matter of less than 12 hours. Thank goodness we live in the time of antibiotics, and thank goodness for good, conscientious docs...
Holy cow!
What a difference! Thanks for sharing. Glad he's feeling so much better.
Thanks, guys! He's not out of the woods yet, by any means, but at least he's on heavy duty antibiotics and painkillers, plus the endodontist lanced the abscess...
Abscess' are a huge deal and I'm glad so far so good. You tell him he's still a hottie even with a pouch. :)
Oainful! Damn that makes my skin crawl...poor kid!
OMG do I feel his pain! In January 2006, I had a dentist put a filling in a tooth that really needed a root canal. It immediately got infected and the pain was unreal. I cannot even imagine what pain your poor kid was in, with his face so swollen...Jeezus!
I hope they can straighten this mess out with a minimum of further trauma...
Just what my son looked like last spring. Could not open his mouth and the university dental school folks had no idea what to do or why. Like you, thank God for the dentist and then speicalist at home who whisked him right in.
Oh god that made me flinch. And really want asprin. Scary to think how close mom got to getting a really bad infection a couple years ago...
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