Saturday, August 08, 2009

Patrick's Saturday Six #278 -

I haven't played the Saturday Six in a while, so I decided it was time. If you'd like to play too, click HERE.

1. What non-domesticated animal would you most like to see up close (assuming your safety was guaranteed)? No question, a tiger!

2. What’s the most exotic animal you’ve ever touched or held in person? That would be my Bengal cats, Mia and Leo. They were incredibly beautiful and very interesting, but really never became domesticated, and eventually I had to give them away.

3. If you could take a cruise to the Bahamas or to Alaska, which one would you choose? Alaska.

4. Where’s the most “exotic” place you’ve been to so far? Hmmm, I'd have to say Hawaii.

5. Take the quiz: The Jungle Test

You Are Imaginative

You are a creative, innovative person. You're not afraid of great risks.

Right now, you are seeking peace and tranquility in your life.

You are drawn to people who are philosophical and thoughtful.

You feel like there are many major things in your life that need to be changed.

You are quick to react. You are courageous and bold.

6. If you could afford it, which would you most like to have in your backyard: a fish pond, a Japanese garden, a water fountain or a quiet gazebo? It's a toss up between the fish pond and the water fountain. I'd like the sound of the fountain, but the look of the pond.

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