Sunday, April 01, 2007

hope is the thing with feathers...

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune--without the words,
And never stops at all...

Emily Dickinson

I'm sitting here thinking that the title of my previous post (money - that's what I want) does so not apply, right now. There is much on my mind these days, but very little of what I'm spending time thinking about has to do with money. I don't mean to be cryptic. Suffice it to say that when life decides to blindside you (as it does from time to time to all of us), with the result that someone whom you love is hurting, money and material things tend to pale and dwindle to their proper perspective...

So, in the interests of both distracting myself and actively seeking out at least a whiff of the heady springtime feeling of hope, I'm off on this beautiful, April afternoon to the Matisse Painter As Sculptor joint exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art and the Nasher.

More later.


ab said...

"Quick said the bird, find them, find them..."
T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

Hope you found a great escape in the art, and that maybe through the art you found a thought, a smile. The clouds will lift.

Erin Berger Guendelsberger said...

Hope everything's okay! My thoughts are with you.

TJ said...

You are a picture of resilience, optimism, and strength. An art show ...I wish I could wonder with you.
Thinking of you.
Hugs TJ

Tammy Brierly said...

I LOVE your new profile picture!!! Can you email the name of that poemm, it's so wonderful. I wish I was with you at the exhibit.

Much love & hugs

emmapeelDallas said...

Andy, I like the Eliot, and I definitely found escape in the art.
Erin, thank you.
TJ and Tammy, I wish both of you were here to enjoy that show with me! It was all SO beautiful. I think it will make it's way around the country, and if it does, you must both go see it. Matisse loved women...