Yearly Inflation Rate USA: 4.3%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average: 890
Average Cost of new house: $25,250.00
Average Income per year: $10,600.00
Average Monthly Rent: $150.00 (I was paying $110 for a furnished room on Clark Street in Chicago)
Cost of a gallon of Gas: 40 cents
Datsun 1200 Sports Coupe: $1,866.00
United States postage Stamp: 8 cents
Ladies 2 piece knit suit: $9.98
Movie Ticket: $1.50
In September 1971, I entered the University of Chicago as a freshman. Having turned 22 on September 11, I was an old freshman, but that was because I’d spent the 4 years since I finished high school working to support myself and to save enough money to pay my first year’s tuition...which was...listen up...$2475 plus an additional $2500 for room, board, and books...and yeah, it took me 4 years to save up that $5000, which in retrospect was pretty good, considering my starting salary out of high school was $4995 per year...(and I walked through snow, uphill, to attend school...)
What else happened in 1971?
- The voting age was lowered to 18 in the U.S.
- Women FINALLY got the right to vote in Switzerland (and you thought it was such a happenin' place)
- Walt Disney World opened in Florida
- Fed Ex was started
Popular Films
- Love Story
- Summer of '42
- Ryan's Daughter
- The Owl and the Pussycat
- The Aristocats
- Carnal Knowledge
- The Andromeda Strain
- The French Connection
- Intel released the world's first microprocessor, the 4004.
- Texas Instruments released the first pocket calculator
- The first internet chat rooms appeared - of course, there was no internet, but there were local nets...and nerdy people chatted in them (& I can say that, having eventually ended up in a few chat rooms myself)
- China was admitted to the UN
- The NASDAQ made it's debut
When I think of how far we have come since..whew!Time never ceases to amaze me with all it's significance in a variety of events.
"Love Story" oh I do remember...little did I know that the boy who sat one row directly behind me would end up being my husband. We wasn't dating...yet.
I wished i would have wanted an education and had the drive you did...
Okay..that was interesting.
The bad part is that I remember 1971 (I was 16.) I wasn't paying bills yet, but I do remember getting paid $1 an hour for babysitting and thinking it was a windfall...
So much has happened since then with more to come.
We just filled the truck with gas at $4.75/gal...grrr!
Turns out it wasn't Dan Cooper's (D.B. was a media error, actually) parachute after all. I was disappointed, because I've always wanted to know the end to that story. I was 4 y/o when he pulled that off (or ALMOST), but I've read a bit about it.
Thank you, I feel like a kid again because all of this made me go "you're kidding" lol And today I felt really old when I told someone I was twenty and he looked at me like I was joking and even threw in a "Really???" (Several ? needed to put the emphasis in his surprise lol)
I started college that year, too. What a look back!
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