Monday, August 31, 2009

me in one of my favorite places in the world...

at the Harvard COOP. Ah, heaven!

Although I admit to feeling a little like Wilson, Tim the Toolman's neighbor, in this pic.


Lisa :-] said...

LOL Ms. Wilson...

I SO want to go to Boston...

emmapeelDallas said...

Lisa, you would LOVE it! It's so alive!

Mrs. L said...

Don't they call it the COOP as opposed to the CO-OP?
Oh those Harvard kids. Did A ever take you to his old dorm -- wait they don't call them dorms do they? Houses? I went to a Harvard graduation once. Someone actually gave a speech in Latin. I think they stopped that tradition because too many people fell off their chairs, sound asleep.

emmapeelDallas said...

Yeah, it's the COOP, whereas my first reaction was co-op, and yeah, they're definitely houses...of course he took me to his, also Ked's, etc., LOL @ the speech...