Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Katharina!

Some girls get singing chickens at work on their birthdays...

29 years ago yesterday, Katharina was born, at home, in Chicago. We're doing the family celebration of her birthday tonight. I called her yesterday and asked where she'd like to go for dinner. "I dunno," she said, and then she added, wistfully, "I'd really just like someplace small and intimate, where we could have a nice dinner and sit around and talk afterward..." "Let me think about that and get back to you," I said.

In five minutes I called her back. "I know just the place, but of course you can opt for something else if you'd rather..." I described it. She agreed.

So it's all set: tonight, Katharine, Chris, Stephanie and I are having dinner at home. The weather has finally turned cool, so we'll start with cheese and crackers and glasses of champagne in front of the fireplace. Then Chris and I are grilling the flank steak (which is marinading in the refrigerator as I write), with which I'll serve asparagus with hollandaise, orange basted carrots, new potatoes and a tossed salad, followed by birthday cake...

And the only voices we'll be talking over will be each other's, and we can sit at the table, or move to the couches in the living room, when we feel like it...Happy Birthday, Katharina!


Chris said...

God, you just made me hungry. Once we grilled a flank steak (marinaded in red wine, oil, & soy) and set it on the counter to rest.

We went three houses down the street to get Brett to come eat and came right back. Our weirmeraner got that steak off of the plate and ate every single bite!

Hopefully no dogs will steal yours on Katharina's birthday:)

emmapeelDallas said...

That sounds like my marinade! We once had a cat do the same thing with a chicken minute we were sitting around the table eating dinner, the next thing, the cat was ON the table, with all 20 claws and his teeth sunk into that chicken...needless to say, we let him have it...

Jan said...

Happy Birthday celebration to you all! Love the picture, too. Thanks. Have lots of fun.

Liquid said...

(Oo) Leavin' some stones to let you know that I have visited. Have a happy Thanksgiving and know that I have counted you as one of my blessings!