Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year in Review - 2009

These are the first sentences of the first post I did for each month in 2009. I first did this in 2007, when my overall theme was work and remodeling. In 2008 it was more work, plus politics. In 2009, the theme, if any, was more reflective (gee, I wonder if turning 60 in September had anything to do with that?), plus, of course, humor. Here's to a funnier 2010! Happy New Year!

January 1 - It's a little after midnight and I'm about to curl up on the couch in the gameroom to watch Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire movies into the wee hours of the morning.
February 1 - It's Super Bowl Sunday and there was a time I'd have been blogging about that.
March 1 - So my boss came by my cube a couple of weeks ago, as is her wont, sat down and said, "I saw a truck with, uh, balls hanging off the back of it this afternoon. Do you know anything about that?"
April 1 - I love to laugh, and so I especially love April Fool's Day, and all the creative and wonderful pranks that people come up with.
May 1 - Friday night cocktails at A's.
June 14 - Tonight I went to the Meyerson and heard Joe Cocker.
July 2 - A couple of weeks ago, over at Women On, Lisa invited writers to post on Cringe TV, the kind of stuff that makes you cringe when you watch it, referencing an NPR article that cited the stories then circulating about Jon and Kate Plus Eight.
August 1 - It's August 1. Where did July go?
September 1 - (September Song) - I love this song, and although Sinatra made it famous (and I love Sinatra), I really like this version by Johnny Fair.
October 1 - This is Samantha Geiner at 13.
November 3 - Ah, the joys of aging.
December 1 - I love December.

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