Sunday, December 02, 2007

What I Did Today - Sunday, December 2, 2007

1. I slept in. Mmmmmmmmmmm.
2. I went into the attic and checked the size of the furnace filters because I know I need to replace them.
3. I went to Expo and ordered a new countertop for the master bath. I ordered the dark brown marble that I’ve been lusting after for the past five years, ever since the fire, and to add to the sweetness of the moment, I got 10% off (woo hoo!) because I had a coupon that applied...
4. When I came home, I discovered that Katharine had bought a wine cooler for the kitchen! I’ve wanted one ever since I got rid of the compactor 5 years ago, right after the fire. Since then, I’ve simply been hanging a kitchen towel over that space, and storing various items behind it. This is a Vinotemp cooler that holds 32 bottles, and Kath got a great deal on Craigslist, purchasing the unit from a guy who was remodeling his kitchen and no longer into wine. Brenden came over and helped Kath install it, and it looks soooooooo cool (no pun intended - see pic). Plus, considering the amount of wine I have in my house at all times, it's practical!
5. Tonight I’m going to hear the Dallas Bach Society perform the original version of Handel’s Messiah. This is something I look forward to all year. I can’t wait.


dreaminglily said...

Wow looks great. :o)

Anonymous said...

Hi...I hoped you enjoyed the Messiah!